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JSB Meets JET Alumni: Justin Bussies (Kagawa, 2010-2013)

In partnership with Japan Society of Boston, USJETAA is proud to share the JSB Meets JET Alumni interview series which explores the JET experience across Japan.

This month, Japan Society of Boston got to know Justin Bussies (Kagawa, 2010-2013).

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JET Alum Receives Prestigious ‘George Busbee Award’

The prestigious ‘George Busbee Award’ was presented to a key advocate of Georgia-Japan relationship, JET alum, Jessica Cork (Hiroshima, 1997 - 2000), Vice President of Community Engagement and Corporate Communication at YKK Corporation of America.⁠

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LinkedIn Level-up

Recruiter statistics show that anywhere from 70 to 87% of employers use LinkedIn in vetting job candidates. Learn how to optimize your LinkedIn profile with JET alum and LinkedIn Chief of Staff for Growth, Performance, and Operations (GPO), Cerell Rivera.

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Senpai Spotlight: Exploring the World Through Radio Journalism

Sonia Narang is a JET alum (Gifu 2003-2004) and a multimedia journalist who covers climate change and the environment, global health, music and culture, and immigration issues.

She has produced and reported stories for PRI’s The World, the BBC, The New York Times, GlobalPost, PBS NewsHour, FRONTLINE/World,, and NBC News.

In this interview, USJETAA discovers how Sonia transitioned from an ALT in Japan to a globe-trotting journalist.

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Building Your Resume on JET

What value does your JET experience add to your future job search?

If you are planning to go into a field that’s directly related to what you’re doing now, the answer is pretty obvious. But how about for people who don’t want to teach, translate, or work in direct US-Japan relations?

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