JETAA Job Board with JETwit

The JETAA Job Board includes job listings shared by JET alumni, non-profit and partner organizations and for-profit corporations and companies.
To get each posting directly in your inbox, sign up for the JETAA/JETwitJobs Google Group.

Recent Job Listings

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The JETAA Jobs Board is not compatible with Safari 17.2.

Need Career Advice?

Takeshi Yamagishi, from Quick USA,
offers complimentary career consultations to
registered USJETAA members.

Still looking?

Check out these job boards managed by our partners in the US-Japan career space.

Japan-related jobs located in the US spanning a wide variety of industries.

Japanese language teaching positions and related resources.


If you’d like to share a job with the JETAA community, please fill out the form and provide us with as much information as possible. The job will be circulated via the JETwitJobs Google Group and posted to the JETAA Job Board on both the USJETAA website (above) and

We appreciate our Job Board Corporate Sponsors

This support allows USJETAA to provide quality job opportunities and career support to the JET alumni community!