JETs Supporting JETs
About AJET
The Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching (AJET) is a volunteer organization of JET Programme participants. AJET serves the JET community by building support networks, organizing useful information, and offering resources to enhance the lives of the Programme participants in Japan and abroad. AJET is governed by the National Council which elects it's executive positions (filled by current JETs) on an annual basis. AJET works to enhance the lives of JET Programme participants by voicing their views and concerns to CLAIR and the government ministries that manage the JET Program.
AJET Chapters
Almost all prefectures in Japan offer a local AJET group or chapter. Prefectural Chapters organize social and charity events and offer area-specific advice for life in Japan and teaching. Content and frequency of events vary from prefecture to prefecture.
All JETs are represented through Blocks, groups of prefectures that together elect one Block Representative to the AJET National Council.
Special Interest Groups
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are semi-autonomous groups within AJET which address specific areas of interest including but not limited to ethnic identity, LGBTQIA+ identities, religious affiliation, hobbies and more.
SIGs connect JETs from all over the world based on their interests, and they are made for and run by the community. Each SIG is open to all and are overseen by a SIG coordinator.