Pitch Guidelines For Freelance Writers

What Makes a Story a Good Fit for USJETAA

Payment: For an article ranging between 700-1800 words, to be paid on completion of editing.

Pay Rate: Typically $50/story.

Rights Purchased: 365-day exclusivity and non-exclusive perpetual rights.

We want stories that showcase and highlight JETs and JET alumni who are contributing in innovative ways to the US-Japan relationship. We seek stories that illustrate the many ways JET alums are contributing to the US-Japan alliance, and highlight potential career paths for JETs and recent returners. Our stories are driven by strong narratives, high reader interest, and a conversational tone. Our audience is potential JETs, current JETs, JET alumni and stakeholders outside the immediate JET community.

Pitching Dos & Don’ts

  • Keep it short, and one idea per email.

  • What’s the story that will interest or educate readers?

  • Tell us about your JET placement: What was your placement prefecture and years?

  • Share your best two or three previously written articles and/or a link to your website or portfolio. You do not need to be a professional writer, but we do need to see examples of your writing style.

  • Don’t pitch completed articles.

  • We are always looking for strong photos, videos, or digital media to accompany our articles. If you have any of those, please mention that in your pitch.

  • Please send the pitch to contact@usjetaa.org.

The Fine Details

By submitting a pitch to USJETAA, you acknowledge that your pitch may be similar or identical to content submitted by others, or to materials developed by or on behalf of USJETAA and that it shall have the right to use such other content or materials without any obligation to you. Neither the submission of your pitch nor USJETAA’s review of it constitutes or creates an implied contract or other financial or confidential relationship between you and USJETAA. You shall have no right to compensation or reimbursement of any kind by USJETAA in connection with the submission of your pitch. If and when USJETAA elects to proceed and assign work to you based on your pitch, the terms of any such assignment shall be subject to a separate agreement between you and USJETAA. USJETAA has no obligation to review, keep, or return any materials you submit. 

How to Pitch USJETAA

Your contract and the Author Guidelines will be provided to you at a later date and will spell out more details.

Ready to submit?