JSB Meets JET Alumni: Justin Bussies (Kagawa, 2010-2013)

JET alum Justin Bussies

In partnership with Japan Society of Boston, USJETAA is proud to share the JSB Meets JET Alumni interview series which explores the JET experience across Japan.

This month, Japan Society of Boston got to know Justin Bussies (Kagawa, 2010-2013).

How has your connection in relation to Japan changed since living in Japan?

This is an interesting question and one that's hard to answer succinctly. Like many first-time visitors, I was first drawn in by all the contrasts to my own upbringing and personal experiences - 'WOW! Japan is such a crazy place!' Since that initial visit though, I've been to all 47 prefectures, taken part in countless festivals, attended weddings (my own as well, in fact) and funerals, and made it my mission to simply go as deep as possible into all aspects of local life. Throughout the eight years there my appreciation shifted from the many 'shock and awe' moments Japan has on offer, to the incredible nuance that exists: the differences of one geography to the next, the seasons and the food they bring, the holidays, the architecture. The ethos they infuse into students, and the mindset of the suited employees. The religion, and general spirituality. The human relationships built between friends, neighbors, family. The traditions passed down in art and handicrafts, etc.

In contrast to my other global travel destinations, Japan is the only country whose beauty I feel confident to say I can appreciate and understand as a local. I may never have the chance to live there again, but I continue to book return visits, and it's the only other country that I feel welcomes me 'home'.


JSB Meets JET Alumni: Monica Narang (Osaka, 2008 - 2011 & Osaka 2016 - 2022)


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