JETAA Chapter Grants

The JETAA Chapter Grant Program funds JETAA chapters and sub-chapters so they can host innovative activities that further US-Japan relations at the grassroots level. The initiative was launched in 2016 as part of a partnership between Sasakawa USA and USJETAA to strengthen the bilateral US-Japan relationship. Each year, mini-grants (typically ranging from $1,500 to $3,500) are awarded on a competitive basis to JETAA chapters and sub-chapters that are proposing programming with the potential to highlight and advance the bilateral relationship in their local communities. The grant program is also intended to help chapters strengthen their overall institutional capacity and elevate their leadership role in their local US-Japan community.

  • Applicants must be a JETAA chapter or sub-chapter in the United States.

    1. The chapter president, treasurer and any other individuals coordinating the grant project must be a registered member of USJETAA (free and paid memberships are available).

    2. Your chapter must be a member of USJETAA.

    3. Grant funds CANNOT be used to cover expenditures that take place outside of the grant project period. The grant project period is the timeframe between when the grant agreement is signed and the conclusion of the grant project.

    4. Grantees are expected to abide by the grant agreement, which includes: 1) meeting with USJETAA/Sasakawa USA as appropriate, 2) acknowledging the grantors, 3) promoting the event via social media and any other appropriate platforms to advertise the event, 4) tracking and reporting on the funding usage, 5) submitting a grant report by the stated deadline in your grant agreement

    • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis through October 1, 2025.

    • Grant project activities may begin as soon as all parties sign the grant agreement.

    • All grant-funded activities must conclude by Dec. 15, 2025.

    • Complete final reports must be submitted by Jan. 15, 2026.

  • All recipients of a JETAA Chapter Grant are required to submit a budget report and a narrative report by the deadline stated in their grant agreement. Please see the templates below for guidance on what should be included in each. Someone with an understanding of how to use the basic functions of Google Spreadsheets (Excel) and Google Documents (Word) should complete the reporting. All reporting documents will be housed in a shared Google Drive folder.

    Examples of well-written budget reports and narrative reports are below for your reference.

    • Narrative Report (JETAADC)

    • Narrative Report (JETAA MC)

    • Budget Report (JETAANC)

    • Budget Report (JETAASC)

Applications: Closed


Chapter Grant applications are currently open on a rolling basis typically through October 1st on an annual basis. USJETAA will close applications early if all funding earmarked for this program has been allocated to successful chapters before the October 1st deadline.

Project proposals should have a clear focus on a particular aspect or issue associated with US-Japan relations. Applicants should think critically about the application questions and elaborate as much as possible on how the event contributes to US-Japan relations in their local community. Chapter Grants aim to encourage chapters to strengthen their institutional capacity and to take on more ambitious programs than they could without the grant. In addition, it aims to provide JETAA chapters an opportunity to learn about the grant-seeking and grant-management process in hopes that it prepares the applicant and chapter to apply for more grants in the future.

Programs/projects can be virtual or in person. Successful grantees will do the bulk of the planning and event execution. However, USJETAA and Sasakawa USA are available to provide limited customized support to JETAA chapters through the grant process as needed. Support may include assistance such as workshopping and conceptualizing the event, providing limited logistical support, and guidance on grant reporting. We welcome and encourage consultation meetings to discuss your ideas prior to submitting your application. Please contact us with any inquiries, etc.

Applications materials for 2025-26 are available below. Complete applications consist of:

  1. 2025-26 Narrative Application

  2. 2025-26 Budget Proposal *the additional budget worksheets in the application package are for final reporting purposes; only complete and include the proposal worksheet with your chapter’s application

  • Yes! Sub-chapters can apply for this grant.

  • All grant agreements must be signed by official chapter representatives and funding handled by chapter officers. However, if you have an idea for your chapter, we encourage you to talk to your chapter president and treasurer. If they agree to support your idea, you may apply. The chapter president and treasurer will need to be involved in the periodic check-ins with USJETAA/Sasakawa USA. The grant agreement must be signed by the chapter president.

  • We do not have a specific limit to the grant and applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. However, we recommend you use the sample budget as a rough guideline for your maximum budget. Generally speaking, the earlier you apply for this grant, the more funding will be available.

  • Yes, but priority will given to any chapters who have not previously received this grant. If you are presenting a new or innovative program, that will garner a higher likelihood of receiving repeat funding support as opposed to requesting repeat funding for a repeat program.

  • Yes, in the past many successful events have been collaborations between JETAA chapters and other organizations, such as Japan-America Societies. However, the event must be a partnership between your chapter and the other organization. The chapter needs to have ownership over the event, not just be providing money for someone else’s event. If you plan to collaborate with another organization, please include those details in your application.

  • No, it doesn’t have to be an event. We will also consider research project, creation of publications, and other ideas.