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ISO Social Media Coordinator - CLOSED

USJETAA is seeking a passionate and creative Social Media Coordinator to become a part our small team. This role includes  managing and creating content for our social media channels, designing graphics, and working with JETAA chapters to amplify event promotions. The ideal candidate is enthusiastic about digital engagement and community building.

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Opposite Sides of a Shared Desk: Inside the Japanese-American Bicultural Workplace

Jennifer Jakubowski (Hokkaido, 1995-1997)

By a multitude of measures, Japan and the United States are among the most polar-opposite cultures on the planet. Japanese society dates back millennia; the United States, by comparison, is but a teenager.  Japan embodies one of the most homogeneous populations in the world; the United States is the quintessential melting pot. The axis on which Japanese society rotates is one of group-based mentality and behavior; the United States foremost fosters and rewards individualism. Hierarchy has a long and prominent role in Japan; competition and meritocracy have largely driven the American narrative. Such contrasts represent a mere glimpse of the fuller picture.

JETs on Japan: December, 2024

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After JET: Turning Your Professional Page

In partnership with Pasona NA, join us for an engaging presentation on whether a career with a Japanese company is right for you. Afterwards, JET alumni career coaches will lead small-group workshops specializing in their areas of expertise.

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Election Promises & Policy Realities: What New U.S. & Japan Leadership Means for the Alliance

Join JET alumni and friends of JET, who are national leading experts, as they discuss political shifts, emerging priorities and explore what this means for US-Japan cooperation. This panel discussion comes on the heels of national elections in both Japan and the US and is sure to inform you of what the current political situation is and shed light on what these leadership changes mean for the US-Japan alliance.

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Temple University Japan: Virtual Info Session

TUJ is hosting a virtual info session on Saturday, November 16th, at 10 AM JST for JETs and alumni. Register to learn more about scholarship opportunities, the Master in Management program, and the application process.

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