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Community and JET: The Heart of the Program

If there is one constant within the JET experience, it is the feeling of community. No matter where JETs are placed throughout Japan, if asked about their favorite aspects of the program, you’ll often hear this. But even within the JET Program, community can have many different meanings. Community can be a JET’s placement or small town. It can be their school and the teachers they work with. And, it can be the other JETs in their area. When the JET community enhances the local community, the program is at its best.

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JET Profiles, Senpai Spotlight USJETAA JET Profiles, Senpai Spotlight USJETAA

Senpai Spotlight: Bridging Japan & the US Through Film

For Aaron Woolfolk (Kochi, 1992-1993), it was one particular teacher who helped get it all started. “My second grade teacher in elementary school — she was Japanese American — and she would introduce elements of Japan into our lessons,” Woolfolk said. “She would tell us, ‘This is where my family is from.’”

From there, Aaron joined the JET Program and went on to become an award-winning writer, director and producer.

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Japan Society of Boston Meets Lillian Hanako Rowlatt (Niigata 2003-2005)

In December, Japan Society of Boston featured Lillian Rowlatt (Niigata 2003-2005), in their JSB meets JET Alumni series, Lillian discusses how JET allowed her to more deeply explore her Japanese heritage. ⁠

Post-JET, Lillian went on to co-found Kokoro Care, which delivers locally (Japanese) made products to your door which showcase Japan’s unique regions and seasonal ingredients. ⁠

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