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JSB Meets JET Alumni: Amaris Lopez (Ehime, 2022-present)

In partnership with Japan Society of Boston, USJETAA is proud to share the JSB Meets JET Alumni interview series which explores the JET experience across Japan.

This month, Japan Society of Boston got to know Amaris Lopez (Ehime, 2022-present).

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A Sip of the World: Cafes and Cultural Exchange in Japan

Misha Husic (Hyogo, 2021-present)

Restaurants, cafes, and similar establishments are some of the easiest and most common ways to experience and directly engage with countless cultures different from your own, whether you’re travelling abroad or just exploring new places in your hometown. This is, of course, true for Japan as well.

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Knowledge vs. Knowing: Zen Buddhism as the Key to Understanding Japanese Culture

Jayson Vosz (Kochi, 1995-1997)

For our author and JET alum turned Buddhist monk, Jayson Vosz (Kochi, 1995-1997), Zen Buddhism became the vehicle to truly know and understand Japan for what it is. This JETs on Japan article focuses on his belief that with deeper knowledge and understanding of Zen Buddhism, comes an opportunity to further Japan-U.S. relations.

JETs on Japan: April, 2024

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Why I Wish I Taught Before I Learnt

Finlay McBride (Kagoshima, 2023 - present)

Teaching. . . has taught me more than I could have possibly imagined. It’s forced me to reconsider how I previously perceived education, to reflect on my own experiences at school, and to rethink my definition of a good learner.

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Career Ascent Event: March 19, 2024

Join us for our Career Ascent career development seminars and networking events.

These are specifically designed for professionals and career changers. They offer a valuable opportunity to enhance career-building skills and expand your professional network.

Attend one or both of the two professional-oriented webinars to level up your career aspirations with actionable insights from industry leaders. Then connect with career experts and fellow JET alums through a structured, intimate virtual networking session.

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