The Intermediate Plateau: How to Go from Intermediate to Advanced Japanese

Angelique Magistrello (Aichi, 2023-present)

Have you ever come across the term “intermediate plateau” in your Japanese learning journey?

Though there isn’t any official definition, in language learning, the intermediate plateau can be defined as the sensation of stagnation when you’ve reached an intermediate level but can’t seem to reach an advanced level. You’re definitely not a beginner, but you’re not quite comfortable with calling yourself an advanced speaker either, as you still struggle with most native material, or when you want to talk about deeper subjects. In Japanese learning, you often hear about the huge gap between JLPT N3 and N2. I believe this gap is also due to the intermediate plateau to some extent, and it shows the struggle that many face in making the transition from intermediate to advanced Japanese.

As someone who experienced this feeling, and who finally feels comfortable calling herself an advanced Japanese speaker, I’d like to talk about my experience and give you some advice on how to overcome the intermediate plateau in Japanese.

This article was published in partnership with AJET’s CONNECT magazine.


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Career Ascent Event: March 19, 2024