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Food for Thought: What the United States Can Learn from Japan’s School Lunch System

Gabe Baskin (Nara, 2021-2022)

Lunch should be a difficult subject. Crafting inclusive, sustainable, and healthy school lunch policies is not easy. . . . If U.S. educators want to make the next generation of American youth healthier, more equitable, more knowledgeable, and more community-centered, they can draw a great deal of inspiration from Japan’s school lunch system.

JETs on Japan: February, 2024

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Finding the Open Door

“In fact, my time as an ALT has had a profound influence on every single career path I’ve embarked on since. The experience of working internationally has opened countless doors for me. . . . But it took me some time to discover the value of my ALT experience for myself. So, to help current ALTs experience a “softer landing” than I did returning home, I’d like to share where one of those first doors took me.” —Hayley Wallace (Gifu, 2021-present)

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JETAAFL: Career Compass 

Upcoming Event: Professional Development Webinar

28 February, 2024

7-8:30 PM (ET)

This event will focus on providing you insight into the local US-Japan job market and landscape across Florida.

We will discuss techniques to translate soft skills learned on JET into your next career, how to utilize career coaches and recruiters and what networking actually is and how to do it well.

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Event Recap: JETAA Rocky Mountain Career Compass Workshop & Networking Event

JETAA Rocky Mountain completed a successful Career Compass Workshop and Networking event last week. The event featured panelists, Jennifer Basco, Emily Frank, Claudine Locascio, and Takeshi Yamagishi who discussed the Japan-related job market in the Rocky Mountain region, how to translate soft skills learned on JET to your resume, and made the workshop an enlightening and enriching experience.

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A Guide to JET Program Acronyms and Terms

Like many other jobs and industries, the JET Program has its fair share of acronyms and unique terms that can be confusing and even overwhelming when you are going through the application and interview process of becoming a JET.

So USJETAA has put together this reference sheet to help familiarize you with all the terms you will encounter as you begin your journey as a JET.

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Event Recap: Bento Workshop

Co-hosted by JETAA Portland, JETAABC, and JETAA Alaska, the chapters hosted their fourth event in their annual JETAA Bento Workshop series: Onigiri Edition.

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Artificial Intelligence and U.S.-Japan Relations

Erik M. Jacobs (Hyogo, 2013-2016)

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has quickly emerged as an S&T focus for both national security and economic policy in the United States and Japan. AI, and other emerging technology issues, are likely to play a larger role in U.S.-Japan relations in the years to come.

JETs on Japan: January, 2024

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