JSB Meets JET Alumni: Sarah Baughn (Ishikawa, 2019-2021)

In partnership with Japan Society of Boston, USJETAA is proud to share the JSB Meets JET Alumni interview series which explores the JET experience across Japan.

This month, Japan Society of Boston got to know Sarah Baughn (Ishikawa, 2019-2021).

What sparked your interest in applying for the JET program?

I ended up working for the Japan-America Society of Georgia and JapanFest Atlanta after graduating from Oglethorpe University. I had taken a Japanese literature class in college, but after becoming familiar with Japanese culture in my work, I really enjoyed the cultural outreach aspects to rural communities in Georgia. I was also teaching piano (I worked about three jobs at the time, somehow) and thought that the JET Program would be a fantastic opportunity to develop both my teaching skills and general cultural outreach ability. 


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