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Goshuin: Everything you need to know about Japan’s favorite religious collectible

Collecting goshuin can be viewed as a modern-day personal pilgrimage throughout Japan, whether religious or sentimental. But goshuin represent more than just a mark or seal: they represent each individual spiritual connection between traditional pilgrimages and deities, and the bond between spiritual seekers to higher powers.

Learn more about goshuin in this article written by JET alum and professor Chloe Holm (Ehime, 2022-2023).

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Tayō-sei Group Mentorship Program for Departing JETs

The Tayō-sei Group Mentorship Program is an opportunity for JET sempai to share their diverse range of experiences, wisdom and insights with departing JETs in a safe space. The goal is to equip departing JETs with a better understanding of what to expect and how to successfully embrace their JET experiences both for themselves and their JET communities during their time in Japan.

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