Photo of the Month: June, 2024

The June 2024 Photo of the Month comes from JETAA Hawaii!

This month's Photo of the Month features some of the JETAA Hawaii members and volunteers at the recent Japan-America Society of Hawaii (JASH) Japan Wizards Competition.

The competition allowed middle and high school students in Hawai’i to compete on their knowledge of Japan for a chance to win a trip to Japan! JETAA Hawaii also had a JET Program/ MEXT Scholarship booth where the team from the Consulate General of Japan in Honolulu spoke on JET experiences with nearly 100 students throughout the day.

Check out JETAA Hawaii’s website and social accounts for more exciting content.

Want to be featured in a future Photo of the Month?

Submit your pictures embodying the word "community" to us via email ( for a chance to see your photos in our publications or be selected as the photo of the month!⁠


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