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JETAA Chapter Grants: 2024 Applications OPEN!

USJETAA invites all JETAA chapters and/or sub-chapters in the US to apply for a small grant (typically ranging from $1,500 to $3,500) to support an innovative event or program that furthers US-Japan relations at the grassroots level. We are currently accepting applications on a rolling basis through October 1, 2024.

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JETs at The White House

In mid-April, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and First Lady Yuko Kishida made an official visit to Washington, DC. The JET alumni community had two unique opportunities to experience their state visit.

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Beyond JET: Linking Your Career to Japan

Thinking about life after JET? Or maybe you are there already? We will be talking about Japanese companies in the US and opportunities with them for JET alumni. Learn what regions, industries, and roles are a good fit for JETs, and why it’s not just translation and teaching. Learn about the job hunt process and how to successfully navigate it while leveraging your JET experience to the fullest.

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Calling all writers!

Abstract submissions for the 2024-2025 JETs on Japan publication series is open until June 10th. ⁠

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The Magical and Inspiring World of Fujishiro Seiji

Fujishiro Seiji is a world renowned Japanese kiri-e (paper cutting) artist who uses shadow and light to create whimsical and ethereal images in a delicate dream-like world. His art has the ability to touch lives and inspire many positively for over half a century.

Read about current JET Kianna Shore’s (Gunma) trip to his museum and her thoughts on this prolific artist.

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