JSB Meets JET Alumni: Patty Blas (Shizuoka 1997-2000)

Patty Blas

In partnership with Japan Society of Boston, USJETAA is proud to share the JSB Meets JET Alumni interview series which explores the JET experience across Japan.June's superstar is Patty Blas who stepped into the JET Program right after university and has never looked back.

Where were you in Japan as a JET and when? I lived in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture from 1997 - 2000.

What sparked your interest in applying for the JET program? Quite honestly, I was a senior at Boston College and it was my good friend and Japanese language classmate from Hawaii who asked me to apply for JET with him. Coming from the small Pacific Island of Guam, I had no clue what the JET Program was until my friend from Hawaii asked me to join him in applying.

What are some of the things your prefecture is known for? e.g. food, hotspots, etc. Shizuoka Prefecture is the home of the beautiful Mount Fuji and the Izu Peninsula. I was blessed with being able to see Fuji-San everyday from my classroom during the colder months. Shizuoka is known as the gourmet prefecture....

-Read the full interview here-


JETAA-sphere Podcast: Eirene Tran Donohue


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