JET Alumni News - July 2021

Maureen Brase (Nagasaki, 1994-1996) learned taiko while on JET in Nagasaki-ken, started a group in Nebraska, and from 6/13 to 6/20, just shared taiko nationally at the U.S. Olympic Swimming Trials playing with Kokyo Taiko.

Watch Maureen teach 6 time gold medalist Amy VanDyken explain taiko starting from 12:20 in this video from USA Swimming.

Australian JET alumna Sara-Jane Seely (Kochi, 2016-2018) has been appointed as the Tokyo 2020 Overall Technical Officials Coordinator for all disciplines. Read more about the Queenslanders involved in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.
Steven Horowitz (Aichi, 1992-1994) - and founder - has launched a new legal English podcast titled “USLawEssentials: Law & Language" in collaboration with Daniel Edelson of

So far they've interviewed a number of JET alumni, including  JET alum parents/multilingual lawyers Brian Hersey (Fukuoka, 1994-1996) and Brenda McKinney (Hyogo, 2006-2009) and Rebecca Chen (Akita, 2014-2017) who has been working as a paralegal at a business immigration law practice. The podcast is intended for non-native English-speaking lawyers, law students, and anyone who finds it helpful or interesting.

Lillian Hanako Rowlatt (Niigata, 2002-2005) of Kokoro Care Packages was featured on the Transformations with Jayne podcast talking about her business goals to bring artisanal Japanese food to the United States.
Mainichi featured Kjell Hahn (Hyogo, 2002-?) in a recent article "American artist's studio connects foreigners to traditional crafts in small-town Japan." Kjell is an American artist who founded an art studio in Fujioka, Gunma Prefecture, which invites painters, sculptors, and other types of artists from around the world to learn about traditional Japanese crafts and interact with the local community.
William Archambeault's (Ishinomaki, 2017-2018) music article "Leveling Up with Joystick" was featured in Antigravity Magazine.

Happy Birthday, Pokémon! In commemoration of Pokémon's 25th birthday this year Joe Palermo (Gunma, 1982-1983) wrote a piece about PokémonGo for Origami Magazine: "Confessions of a 62-Year-Old PokémonGo Player."  Joe, MEF (Monbusho English Fellows Program, predecessor to the JET Program) addresses the unfair stigma attached to those who play PokémonGo and celebrates the opportunity provided by PokémonGo to broaden our social circles and improve our physical health.Read Joe's article here!
Kristy Mariko LLC (Kristy Ishii, Gunma, 2016-2018) is launching a 5-Day FREE Boot Camp in August 2021. This is tailored career accelerator program for people who are transitioning out of JET and/or are JET AlumniFill out this survey if you're interested: or the program include:- Translating transferrable skills learned via JET to careers outside of education- Aligning past skills from jobs before JET, with current career goals- Revamping resume, LinkedIn Profile, and interviewing skills- Re-aligning life goals, because they changed while on JET- Online Networking and Making Genuine Connections via LinkedIn, Webinars, Online BootCamps, etc.- Personal Mindset Training HacksEMAIL with your questions!

Ian Thomas Ash's documentary about death and dying おみおくり〜Sending Off was awarded the prize for Best documentary in The Life Beyond Life Film Festival, an event dedicated to films about terminal care, grief, and transition.Although they were not able to attend the closing ceremony which was held in person in Italy, he and Dr. Kaoru Konta recorded their greetings and gratitude to be played at the event. Watch the event remarks here.

The weekly Krewe of Japan podcasts takes listeners on audio journeys through Japanese culture. In Accepted to the JET Program... Now what?, Nigel, Jennifer, & Doug Tassin (Fukushimi, 2007-2010) talk about the months-long emotional roller coaster of preparing to relocate to a new country (for JET or any program). Departing JETAA Mid-South President Megan DeVille (Aomori, 2009-2010) stops by to talk about her pre-departure JET experiences, from interviewing to arriving at a tiny regional airport in Aomori Prefecture.
New newsletter from Bruce Feiler (Tochigi-ken, 1989-90) on dealing with life's transitions. Feiler is the author of Learning to Bow, The Council of Dads, The Secrets of Happy Family, and more. Learn more here.
Jessica Kennett Cork (Hiroshima. 1997-2000), Community Engagement and Corporate Communications at YKK Corporation of America, will be speaking with a dynamic group of female leaders in the manufacturing industry representing small, medium, and large companies and a diverse group of manufacturing verticals. Sixth Annual "Success in Manufacturing: the Woman's Perspective" will be on September 22 in Atlanta. Learn More.

How to Find Remote Jobs

By Emily Frank (Hokkaido, 1993-1996) of Denver Career Catalyst
Are you one of the many people now looking for a work-from-home job?  A lot of us have adjusted to this new way of life and realized there are some things we don’t want to give up: a commute-free day, home-cooked lunches, the freedom to take the dog on a walk just because you need a break, the ability to throw in a load of laundry as the coffee brews.Read the blog post for some great resources.

Episode 16: Interview with Ella McCann (Kamogawa City, Chiba, 2012-2014)


Episode 15: Interview with Karl Fugelso (Ichikawa City, Chiba, 1989-1990)