Japan-Minnesota Grassroots Forum

When one thinks of Minnesota, the images of snow, lakes, and random samplings of German and Scandinavian heritage often come up. Japan-U.S. relations might not come to mind unless you look a bit closer. Minnesota has a unique mix of different cultures from its first inhabitants the indigenous tribes of the Great Plains, to the Western settlers from northern Europe, to more recent immigrants from Africa and Asia. In terms of Japan, Minnesota has had a long relationship fostering peace initiatives, including having the longest running Japan-U.S. sister city partnership in the nation. It is with that connection in mind that the Japan- Minnesota Grassroots Forum took place at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities campus on February 2nd, 2019. With the assistance of financial and grant funding from the Sasakwa Peace Foundation USA and U.S. Japan Exchange & Teaching Program Alumni Association (USJETAA), multiple Japan-related organizations met to discuss the shared goal of increasing U.S.-Japan relations and possible future collaboration efforts... Read the full article on the JETAA Minnesota blog.

This event was part of USJETAA's Chapter Grant Program funded by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA.


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