Alumni Publications: Gaijin Private Parts: Maintaining Privacy at Work in Japan

JET alum Nathaniel Simmons has published a book! You can find his book available for purchase here.

Book Synopsis:

Japan's mandate for English education in primary and secondary education provides thousands of jobs for gaijin (foreign) English teachers. However, gaijin recruiting organizations provide only minimal training that does not answer the question: How do or should you maintain privacy at work? This book shares perspectives, insight, and guidance from gaijin English teachers and Japanese co-workers regarding maintaining privacy at work. From healthcare to relationships, this book examines what is considered private, how privacy should be managed, and what is the "real" role of a foreign English teacher in the Japanese school system.

About the Author

Dr. Nathaniel Simmons lived and taught English in Japan for two and a half years. He is currently an American communication professor. He researches privacy management in intercultural and health contexts. Dr. Simmons has published his research in (American) national, regional, as well as international journals. He co-authored the book "Celebrity Health Narratives and the Public Health" and a satirical writing manual teaching how to write in the American Psychological Association's format entitled "Bitch Slap APA."


Alumni Publications: The tales of gaijin: Health privacy perspectives of foreign English teachers in Japan.


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