SPFUSA/USJETAA Partnership to Promote JET Alumni Engagement in U.S.-Japan Relations

Since the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program was founded in 1987, more than 36,000 Americans have worked in schools, boards of education, and government offices throughout Japan. Upon their return to the United States, many of these alumni have contributed their in-depth and nuanced understanding of Japan to enhance cross-cultural understanding and U.S.-Japan bilateral relations in their personal and professional lives.This project aims to encourage American JET alumni in deepening and strengthening the U.S.-Japan alliance through soft diplomacy and educational activities that promote mutual understanding between the United States and Japan. Since 2016, SPFUSA and USJETAA have offered a competitive mini-grant program vis-à-vis the 19 JET Alumni Associations (JETAA) chapters and sub-chapters aimed at increasing their capacities to host meaningful and impactful programming that highlight the bilateral relationship in their local communities. In 2018, SPFUSA and USJETAA expanded their partnership to include programming that enabled JETAA chapter leaders and individual JET alumni to stay engaged and informed on current issues within U.S.-Japan relations.

Grants for JETAA Chapters and Sub-chapters

This grant program provides opportunities for the alumni associations of the Japan Exchange & Teaching (JET) Program to partner with the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA and USJETAA to organize events and activities on U.S.-Japan relations in their regions. To build the JET alumni associations’ capacity and activities to improve the U.S. Japan relationship, USJETAA, Sasakawa USA, and the selected chapters will collaborate to develop the programs of the grant.We are now accepting proposals for the 2020-2019 Sasakawa USA/USJETAA Mini-Grant Program for JETAA Chapters & Sub-Chapters. Interested JETAA chapters and sub-chapters can apply through the link below. The first deadline is June 1, 2020. Activities must be held between August 2020 and February 2021. Chapters are encouraged to apply as early as possible to ensure funding is available. First application deadline: June 1, 2020Rolling deadline: June 2, 2020 – November 1, 2020

[maxbutton id="1" url="https://usjetaa.org/programs/spfusa-usjetaa-partnership/chapter-grant-program/" text="APPLICATION & DETAILS" ]

JETs on Japan Forum

The JETs on Japan Forum is a new partnership between USJETAA and Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA (Sasakawa USA) that will feature selected articles of JET alumni perspectives on U.S.-Japan relations. The series aims to elevate the awareness and visibility of JET alumni working across diverse sectors and provides a platform for JET alumni to contribute to deeper understanding of U.S.-Japan relations from their fields. The articles will be posted on USJETAA’s website to serve as resource to the wider JET alumni and U.S.-Japan communities on how alumni of this exchange program are continuing to serve as informal ambassadors in U.S.-Japan relations.

[maxbutton id="1" url="https://usjetaa.org/programs/spfusa-usjetaa-partnership/jets-on-japan-forum/" text="FORUM INFO & APPLICATION" ]



JETAA Chapter Virtual Events: May


Report: Maintaining the JET Momentum: The Post-Exchange Pipeline to Successful U.S.-Japan Leadership