Remembering March 11, 2011

Ten years ago the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami devastated the Tohoku region of Japan. On this anniversary, we remember those who lost their lives during this tragedy. JET alumni were deeply touched by the events of 3/11, not just with the loss of the JETs Monty Dixon and Taylor Anderson, but with so many of having close ties to the area, the country, and especially the people of Japan. Our hearts go out to the survivors who have been on the long road to recovery over the past ten years. Though this disaster left painful marks on many lives, we also look to the future with hope as we think of the resilience of the Japanese people and the success of revitalization of the Tohoku region. On behalf of USJETAA and the JET alumni community, we express our support for the people of Japan. We are with you in solidarity.


Alumni Highlights - March 2021


Alumni Interview Series - Episode 5: Jesse Kerstetter (Odate, Akita 2006-2010)