JETAA Chapter Virtual Events: July 2020

**Page will be updated as new events are created**

Links to events in private/closed Facebook groups may not be available unless you are in the group.

JETAA USA Yoga Every Wednesday at 11 AM ET (except for July 3rd)Facebook Event (you do not need Facebook to participate)Come join a 10-15 minute yoga session with fellow JETAA members. We will begin the Zoom at 11:00 (EDT), and begin the video shortly after. When we finish our yoga session, let's sit back and chat, before we go on with our day.
Every Thursday at 8:30 PM EDT - JETAA Great Lakes Terrace House Thursdays - Join Facebook Group for Event DetailsAre you a fan of the Terrace House series? Perhaps you've heard of it, but haven't made time to watch it yourself? Well come one, come all to Terrace House Thursdays! Through the "Netflix Party" chrome browser extension we'll be hosting watch parties every Thursday, starting at 8:30 eastern. We'll be watching "Terrace House Boys and Girls in the City". We'll plan to watch two episodes each session since they are only about 30 minutes. If we decide to watch a third, we'll post an update about it so if you miss a session then you can catch up for the next one.**IMPORTANTBe sure to download the "Neflix Party" extension at least the day before. There regularly has been issues for people who download it and then immediately tried to join a party.
Every Friday at 8:30 AM ET and 8:30 AM PTJETAA USA Radio Taiso: Facebook Event (you do not need Facebook to participate)Let’s start every Friday morning with a Radio Taiso exercise with your fellow JET alumni. By popular demand we are going to keep this going!We’ll begin with the workout (3-6 min) and if you have time, stick around for a 30 min morning coffee chat before you start your day.Join video zoom meeting ID: 920-613-111 (same link we used last month) are offering East and West coast option since #JETsAreEveryWhereDifferent links for each session8:30am EDT PDT
Every Sunday at 2 PM  to 3 PM - JETAA DC Japanese Script Reading ClubJoin your fellow Japanese language learners and read through a Japanese short play script! The first read-through is for language study, the second read-through is for putting emotion into your Japanese. There will be three language levels available (easy, medium, hard), and a native-speaking Japanese Pronunciation Coach in every zoom breakout room.Email with any questions.Time/Date: Every Sunday from 2:00PM to 3:00PMLocation: ZoomClick here to sign up:
July 6, 2020 at 5:00 PM ET - USJETAA Lessons on SoyRegister hereSoy is an important staple for Japanese cuisine. In this event you will learn more about the role soy plays in the U.S. and Japan, about soy-based foods available in the United States, and nutritional facts about soy. This event is family friendly and fun for kids.Event Schedule:5:00 PM Presentation About Soy5:15 PM Chopstick Skills Contest5:25 PM Cooking Demonstration with Soy Based RecipesFor the chopstick skills contest you will need the following:(1) #EdamameChamp Score Sheet (download and print from here). If a printer is not available, draw 5 circles on a letter-size paper.(2)  25 or more shelled Edamame beans or any beans you have available.(3) 1 pair of chopsticks.
July 6, 2o20 at 6:30 PM ET - JETAANY Nihongo DakeRSVP Via FacebookMay JETAANY offer you a weekly Nihongo-Dake Zoom-chat in these trying times?Click “going” on the FB page to RSVP. The Zoom link will be sent to everyone via FB Messenger ten minutes before the session is to begin. Note that this is not necessarily restricted to JETAANY area JETs, and that you can invite friends-of-JET along (if you have any native-speaker friends who’d enjoy an informal chat session, by all means bring them along. If they don’t have FB, they can still participate; just inform me beforehand).We’ll be splitting people off into smaller chat-groups based roughly on their language level, so come join in on the fun no matter your level.There’s no fee to participate, and feel free to leave the chat whenever or for whatever reason. However, if you would like to participate, please don’t be late.This week’s 話題/jumping-off point is: 「_________」This is the third go-around, so we’re more than willing to hear your feedback, and if you have any questions, do ask me (Giuseppe “Joe” di Martino) at
July 7, 2020 at 6:30 PM CDT - JETAA Mid-South 1st Tuesday Happy HourRSVP via Facebook Event.Hello JETAA Mid-South family! We're restarting our regular events with our first-ever virtual happy hour!This will be a fun and informal online gathering to catch up, share stories, and have a few good laughs with your JETAA friends. The event will be hosted via video call and you can join from the comfort of your own home. RSVP here and we will share call-in details prior to the event.A few details about this casual event.-Bring your favorite beverage for a Kampai at 7pm! 🥂-Hop on hop off--You can stay for the whole time or just pop in to say "Hi"!-Have ideas for future virtual or socially-distanced events? Please bring them to share with the group!
July 7, 2020 at 7 PM ET - JETAANY Book Club
Our next meeting on Tuesday, July 7 at 7pm will be via Zoom as well - register at to receive the meeting link. You are welcome to share the Facebook event with interested parties and mark your attendance.

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It's been a while since we've read fan favorite Haruki Murakami. Since access to libraries, book stores and timely home delivery is limited at this time, we'll tackle some short works available online. If you have access to The New Yorker magazine, go ahead and read any or all of Murakami's recent contributions from their website. Don't have access to the New Yorker? Contact Christy for PDFs at bookclub[at]jetaany[dot]org.

READING LISTScheherazade, Oct. 2014Kino, Feb. 2015The Wind Cave, Aug. 2018Cream, Jan 2019Abandoning a Cat, Sept. 2019With the Beatles, Feb. 2020Confessions of a Shinagawa Monkey, June 2020

NEXT UP: We will read Joe Ide's IQ for August/September Book Club. Get a head start on procuring your copy!

July 8, 2020 at 7 PM ET - JETAANY Virtual Craft NightRegister here.Join us for another casual virtual crafting night (really, any hands-on project will do - doesn't need to be a craft per se!). Last time we chatted for 4.5 hours while working on ceramics, protest signage, knitting, painting, piano practice, boondoggle, scrapbooks, photo editing, and more!Fill out this simple form to receive the Zoom link: event details here.

July 8, 2020 at 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM UTC-10 - JETAA Hawaii July Virtual Kaiwa TableRSVP hereKaiwa Table is back baby!!Due to COVID-19, we'll be transitioning to an online, virtual format, but it'll still be the same Kaiwa Table!Bring your dinner and drinks and join us on Zoom for fun games while practicing Japanese in a casual environment!All levels of Japanese proficiency welcome!Please indicate your level on the Google Form, in case we need to break into smaller discussion groups!Virtual Kaiwa Table will be hosted every second Wednesday of the month!Download Zoom at zoom.usRSVP on the Google Form here:
July 9, 2020 at 2 PM or 7 PM EDT - JETAANY Gender Based Violence Webinar2PM session registration: session registration: while social distancing: For those navigating past or ongoing intimate partner or sexual violenceAccording to the most recent U.S. Department of Justice survey, almost everyone has navigated sexual harassment, stalking, intimate partner or sexual violence - or supported someone who has. In this introductory 60 minute web-based presentation, facilitator Amanda Burden of The Mount Sinai SAVI Program ( will provide an overview of the impact of these forms of trauma on a person's daily functioning and mental health. Participants will refresh on trauma-informed best practices when supporting a survivor, learn about how NYC-based therapy and advocacy resources have adapted to meet the needs of survivors and their closest friends/allies amidst the public health mandates, and gain self-care practices for managing moments of overwhelm or panic.Presenter Amanda Burden (she/her/hers; Yamanashi-ken ALT/PA 2003-06) is a passionate New York City-based anti-oppression advocate, violence preventionist and community educator with over 15 years’ experience in the fields of education, public health and program management. She currently oversees primary prevention educational programming and community outreach at New York City’s Mount Sinai Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention (SAVI) Program and serves as a board member for okayso, a free and confidential youth health education app available on iOS that provides users a group text-based space to receive personalized, evidence-informed support from a live group of experts.Registration:2PM session: session: people register, they receive a confirmation within about 5 minutes - you can email if you run into any issues.Please request that any accommodations for this presentation be requested to by 6/30 before end of business to allow the presenter time to adapt.
July 10, 2020  at 7 PM CDT- JETAA Texoma Trivia NightRegister to participate at this Google form:*Subject Matter:* Japanese History!*Required Materials:* Zoom-capable computer, a fully-charged smart phone, and a brain (preferably your own)*Format:* Multiple choice, so even if you aren't a history buff, you have a shot at winning!*Grand Prize:* the joy of knowing you're part of the smartest and/or luckiest in the room... but really, it's the friends (or enemies?) we made along the way.There's a cap of 20 participants for each round--first come, first serve. Register to participate at this Google form:'ll use Crowd Purr and Zoom at the same time. I'll put the Zoom link here the day of the event, then provide the Crowd Purr link within the Zoom call.

Jul 14, 2020 at 5:30 PM PDT / 8:30 PM EDT - USJETAA Webinar: Higher Education Careers for JETsRegister here

Interested in pursuing a career in higher education? Join USJETAA to hear JET alumni talk about their experiences working in higher education. They will share tips and advice for landing a job in the field.SPEAKERNed Khatrichettri (Hyogo 2005-2010) M.A. is an internship coordinator in the College of Humanities at the University of Utah. Prior to this role, Ned worked as an academic advisor and study abroad advisor at higher educational institutions in Minnesota and North Carolina.Kate Emory (Hyogo 2006-2009) is the International Student Services coordinator at Chatham University in Pittsburgh PA. In this role she advises students and the institution on immigration matters, manages exchange and partner programs, including several in Japan, and develops programs for the local and campus communities on cross cultural communication. Kate was a Junior High School ALT in Minamiawaji-shi.Adam (Hyogo 2004-2007) is newly tenured professor and librarian at the University of Colorado Boulder, having worked there since 2013. He manages the Japanese and Korean library collections. He also researches automating library workflows and processes, with a focus on non-English, non-Roman script materials. Unusually, his position did not require any PhD. Before this, Adam worked at a public library and earned his Master’s degree in Information Science in Albany, NY, and taught English in San Francisco for two years.

July 14, 2020 at 6 - 7:30 PM PDTJETAANC Film Appreciation Club: Film Discussion: "In This Corner of the World" (「この世界の片隅に」).More Info*Please note that the time and day of week is different from last time. We might play around with different days/times to see what works best.We will separately watch the film "In This Corner of the World" and discuss over Zoom.This works like a book club, rather than a watch party. "In This Corner of the World" is available on Netflix and Amazon as well as on multiple platforms (YouTube, Google Play, Vudu, Apple) for rent for $3-$4. Watch the movie at your own leisure before the meeting."In This Corner of the World" is a 2016 animated film that takes place during World War II. It won the Japan Academy Film Prize for Best Animated Film—over "Your Name."Trailer: Link will be released in the Facebook event (must be a member of the group to view).

July 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm ETJETAA Southeast Nihongo DakeOur first virtual Nihongo Dake with Katie will be Thursday July 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm. Come join us to practice your JapaneseFacebook Event     Zoom Registration

July 16, 2002 at 7 PM ET - JETAANY Networking Part IIZoom link available via Facebook Event.Details: Looking to build your network and reminisce about your time in Japan? Then, this is a small gathering for you! Come chat on Zoom with Ryan (Vice President) and meet other alumni in the area.Questions: contact Ryan Hata via email vicepresident[at] & Security~~To ensure the safety and security of all attendees please DO NOT share the direct video/zoom conference event link, numbers, or passwords publicly. Also, to create a supportive space, please refer to the guidelines below:-Be kind, supportive, and inclusive-Stay engaged-Be conscious of your actions-Be conscious of others
July 18, 2020 at 1 PM EDT - JETAA Great Lakes Let's Cook Together! Facebook Event (must be a member of Great Lakes JETAA to view)Come one, come all, to this hour or so of chatting and creating yummy treats together!We're starting things off with a simple (and kid-friendly) recipe. It's debatable if we should really call this "cooking" for this particular recipe, but we wanted to start with something easy and fun. It's more of a snack or breakfast item. The recipe is a surprise, but here's what you'll need:- oats- peanut butter- honey- salt- mini chocolate chips (or any chocolate in tiny chunks)- Optional: flax seeds, chia seeds, dried fruit, chopped nutsThis is just the first session of a possible series, so let us know what you think and what you'd like to make. For example, this recipe isn't Japanese, but we could do Japanese recipes in the future if there's interest. The point is: come, hang out, and chill while making food!
July 20 - 26, 2020 - Great Lakes JETAA Steel Chef Ramen Challenge - Facebook Event (must be a member of Great Lakes JETAA to view)Hey there aspiring ramen chefs, think you've got what it takes to be a Ramen Chef Master? All this week we will be taking submissions for Top Ramen Chef to see who will be chopped, and who will rise to cook 'em all! (Enough with the puns?)Here's how to do it. Go to your pantry, cupboards, fridge, or wherever you keep your instant ramen and other ingredients. Throw together whatever makes your fancy ramen the best, and submit a picture of it WITH the recipe to this event page. At the end of the week, the GLJETAA Board will judge which submission looks and sounds the best and we will notify the lucky winner with a golden ticket to ramen stardom! And some possible cool swag. ALL SUBMISSIONS SHOULD BE POSTED BY SUNDAY 7/26 AT 12:00 PM.Here's some rules:1. Must use instant ramen (flavor packet too!)2. You can only use what ingredients you already have (you can go buy ramen if you don't have any already)3. Write out the recipe you used4. Take a picture of your ramen and post it to the event page WITH the recipeWhat the judges are looking for:1. Unique recipes and creativity2. PresentationMay the odds be every in your favor, and may the best chef reign supreme!
July 23, 2020 at 5-7 PM - JETAAMN Virtual July Happy Hour and New JET Q&A Join us for a special virtual Happy Hour July 23rd from 5 - 7pm! Meet new JETs who will be heading off to Japan in the fall, share your Japan experience, answer their questions, and raise a glass (Kampai!) to the newest JET program participants! Visit the facebook event or our website for more details. A zoom link will be posted closer to the date.
July 24, 2020 - JETAA Northern California - More details will be posted in Facebook GroupHi all, we're having a nijikai/networking event next Friday, July 24 from 8:15PM-9PM on Zoom. Be sure to bring your favorite drink and snacks to the call! More details to come.
July 25, 2020 at 7:30 PM PDT - JETAA Southern California Japan Trivia NightHi friends,We are excited to announce our next event for the month: Japan Trivia Night! Our incredible team will be hosting this event on Saturday, July 25 at 7:30 pm at the comfort of your home. Come and join us for a fun night of trivia, a couple of drinks, and reminiscent together of our days in Japan. Family and friends of JETs are welcomed!We hope to see you there!JETAASC Officers
July 26, 2020 at 11:30 AM - 1 PM PDT - JETAA Portland & JETAA BC - JETAA Kyaraben ContestSign up here!We are very excited to introduce our first ever JETAA Kyara-ben contest, a collaboration between JETAA Portland, JETAA BC and Pacific Northwest JET Alumni Association (PNWJETAA)! Join us on July 26th at 11:30 AM via Zoom for a fun afternoon of friendly competition and getting to know people from all over the Pacific Northwest and beyond.With quarantine keeping us from tasting each other’s food, we figured this would be a great opportunity to enjoy the artistic and visually appealing food art form that is Kyara-ben.For those who don’t know, Kyara-ben is short for Character Bento, the art of making cute, detailed box lunches that look like popular characters. Extremely popular in Japan, it is not uncommon for Japanese moms to create cute and intricate designs for their children’s lunches, even every day. However, Kyara-ben is not just enjoyed by children, but has been popularized for people of all ages in Japan and around the world through social media and magazines.We challenge you all to exercise your creativity and cooking skills to create some amazing bentos and eat them together with fun, like-minded people. JET Alums, JETAA friends and family, everyone is welcome– the more, the merrier! All are welcome to compete or just watch and admire and the amazing bentos that everyone has created.How to compete:1. Register for the contest at the ticketing link.(people in the same household who are all competing should register separately)2. Design and create your bento3. Upload a photo of your bento to the folder link provided in your confirmation email, with your name on it before the contest starts at 11:30am4. Prepare a short speech introducing yourself and describing your bento (see below for speech guidelines)5. Log onto Zoom the day of the contest, present your bento and speech, and stick around to eat your amazing bento with everyone after the contestGuidelines for Making Your BentoYour bento should:1. Include a character, whether it be a well-known character, person, animal, emoji or a character of your own.2. Incorporate the theme Summer3. Be presented in a bento box, shallow tupperware, or a dish that is similar in shapeThis year’s theme is Summer, and the second most important criteria for your bento (after your character of course) is to create your design around the theme. You can interpret the theme however you want, whether that be creating a summer-y scene, using dishes or foods that you love to eat in summer, or making summer-inspired shapes. But make sure that others can clearly tell that it’s summer-y, and be prepared to describe how your interpretation relates to the theme in your speech during bento presentations.Because of quarantine, we know that traditional Japanese ingredients may be hard to find right now and you may not have any on hand. For that reason, we want you to be as creative as you can, using whatever you have on hand to create cute, colourful, and beautiful bentos. Also, don’t have a bento box? You can use a shallow tupperware or a dish with a similar shape (having a 1 to 2 inch high lip).Presentation Speech GuidelinesIntroduce yourself:If you’re a JET alum:--Your name, JETAA chapter, placement and years on JET, where you currently liveIf you’re a JETAA friend:--Your name and where you currently liveDescribe your bento:--The inspiration or story behind your design, and how your design fits the theme--The character you chose--The ingredients and techniques you used for different components (think of how chefs describe their dishes on FoodNetwork)Really sell it; try convince everyone of how delicious your bento is!JudgingBentos will be judged on the basis of:1. Design (10 points)2. Creativity/use of materials (10 points)3. Presentation speech (5 points)4. Relevance to theme (5 points)1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will be determined by judges representing all three chapters and professional bento makers. Winners will receive great bento-related prizes and have their bentos featured on the JETAA websites.In addition to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place there will be five crowd-favourite categories decided by all attendees. They are:1. Cutest2. Most oishisou3. Most creative4. Most likely to appear in a Japanese magazine5. Best Japanese fusionCrowd-favourite winners will be recognized in a news special featured on the JETAA websites.We hope to see you there for an afternoon of friendly competition and fun!
July 26, 2020 at 3 PM PDT - PNWJETAA Book Club: The Territory of Light - Facebook EventJoin PNWJETAA Book Club for a discussion of The Territory of Light by Yuko Tsushima. Described by The Atlantic as "The Careful Craft of Writing Female Subjectivity... Yuko Tsushima’s story of a single mother navigating ’70s Japan, exploded notions of autofiction by women as simply memoiristic."All are welcome! Please RSVP on Facebook or email bookclub[@] for a link to the Zoom event.
July 29, 2020 at 5 PM PDT / 8 PM EDT - USJETAA Higher Education Networking Session - RegisterThere was so much interest in our last webinar on careers in higher education that we will be holding a follow up networking session for those interested in pursuing a career in higher education. Join USJETAA, our speakers from the webinar on careers in higher education, and other JET alumni working in the field to ask questions and learn about experiences working in higher education. We will be using breakout sessions for networking in small groups.
July 30, 2020 at 7 PM PDT - JETAA Portland Networking Nomi-kai - RegisterLooking to get to meet more JET alums, or just talk with people who aren't your family or roommates?Come join us for an evening of networking and chatting over drinks and get to know your fellow JETs better.
July 31, 2020 at 7 PM CST - JETAA Chicago Fold 'N Sip Origami Night - Details and RegistrationWhether you’re an avid origami fan or just curious to try something new, this event is for you! Bring your own drink and follow along as we create traditional origami crafts together!For this event, we’ll be focusing on common shapes such as the crane, jumping frog, ninja stars, etc. If you are an origami master, feel free to share your wisdom after the main tutorial!All you’ll need for this event is origami paper. But don’t worry if you don’t have any; you can make origami paper from recycled paper easily!Event Agenda:7:00 - Introductions7:15 - Kanpai7:20 - Jumping frog7:35 - Ninja star7:50 - Crane8:10 - Crane Race!8:20 - Show and TellWe’re looking forward to crafting with you!* This event is for JET alumni-only. If an alumni is social distancing with a Friend/Family of JET (FOJ), they are welcome to join on their screen with them.Questions? Contact us at


Guest Post: USJETAA Leadership Workshop with JETAA Pacific Northwest


Statement on Racial Injustice