**Now on Tuesdays!**
WFH blues got you down? Not being productive anyway? Just need a place to eat lunch? Take a break at the JETAASC Water Cooler!
This is a casual drop-in type hang out where you can say hi, stick around for some lunchtime conversation, or just tune in to some ambient social interaction we've all been missing away from the office. Bring your favorite drink or a full meal, pop in for a few minutes or an hour. We're continuing to make this a weekly event to start your week off right.
See you at the water cooler!
Every Wednesday at 8 we'll be hosting a watch party! See the posts for specific details on what is currently being viewed, and how to join. We hope to see you there!We will still use teleparty due to size limitations on Hulu's watch party service. Please remember that the teleparty app will need to be installed into your browser ahead of time and can be found at netflixparty.com ! In addition, you will need an account with Hulu to be able to join.
The first watch party link will be posted at 8 and the video will begin playing at 8:30. We will watch four episodes per week so if you miss this week, you can always watch them in your own time before next week!
*As of this posting, they are watching My Hero Academia! We starting from the very beginning of the series on the Hulu platform.
Every Friday - JETAA Raido Taiso
Fill out this quick Zoom registration once to get access to Radio Taiso that will work for every week you are able to join.
Join your fellow JET alumni for Radio Taiso every Friday morning! It’s a 3-6 min stretch followed by a quick social check-in if you have time to chat.
Join the virtual stretch via zoom:11:30am EDT (New York)10:30am CDT (Kansas City)9:30am MDT (Denver)8:30am PST (Los Angeles)
Every Sunday from 2pm-3 pm ET - JETAADC Japanese Script Reading ClubJoin your fellow Japanese language learners and read through a Japanese short play script! The first read-through is for language study, the second read-through is for putting emotion into your Japanese. There will be three language levels available (easy, medium, hard), and a native-speaking Japanese Pronunciation Coach in every zoom breakout room.Email
jetambassador@jetaadc.org with any questions. yo sign up : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScl3pMd4reYVdHdyo_iqkjKubOKrL2m_ejc_KEKJFjBl1lzMg/viewformTime/Date: Every Sunday from 2:00PM to 3:00PMLocation: Zoom
February 3rd, 7-8:30 pm ET - JETAADC Open MeetingJoin us on February 3rd from 7:00pm to 8:30pm, for our annual open board meeting. All members of the JETAADC community are encouraged to come and connect, whether you are a recent returnee or a veteran 10+ alumni, we’d love to have you there. If you are interested in joining the board in spring elections, this is a great opportunity to learn what the individual roles entail.
February 4 at 8:20 – 9:10 PM EST - Relive JET: English Chat w/Japanese Junior High Students
Hi all! Dan Lowe (Chiba, 2011-2013) here! Fun fact about me: While I spend most of my time working with corporate clients and university students, I also coordinate an annual junior high school trip for about 200 Japanese students visiting Boston. COVID has sadly done away with our 2020 and 2021 programs. Instead, we'll be holding three English language opportunities on 2/4, 2/11, & 2/18!!!
My colleague wrote a detailed summary below, but the short version is that you would be placed in a Zoom breakout room with 4-5 Japanese junior high school students and chat for about 45 min. As this is part of their English class in Japan, they may have questions about the US, history, or art. I realize that not everyone is from or lives in the US, but students' chance to gain an intercultural perspective using English is the goal.
I've been nostalgic about random chats with students, so needless to say I'll be participating in all three nights!
You'll also see a question on the signup about virtual home visits. If you're interested and have questions, email Heather at holeary@showaboston.edu.
Given the age of the students, I've not made this event public or sharable. If you know of any interested JET alumni, please have them message me directly for an invite!
February 5th at 8 PM ET - Great Lakes JETAA Dinner and a Movie
RSVP: ec@greatlakesjetaa.org
We're doing dinner and a movie, and you're invited!We'll be watching Flavors of Youth on Netflix together (look for a Teleparty link on the day of) AND we'll help pay for your dinner.Here's how dinner works...We'll reimburse up to $15 of your dinner costs for the first 12 participants who come to the event.To receive reimbursement, just send us a picture or a copy of your dinner's receipt (receipts from restaurant carryout or DoorDash) by Feb. 10, 2021. Please send your receipt to: treasurer@greatlakesjetaa.orgPlease have the date and time clearly visible in the picture and include your address when you email us.We also want to help out our local Japanese restaurants, so if you have one nearby, grab some carryout or DoorDash and join in for dinner and a movie!**IMPORTANT: Be sure to download the Teleparty extension at least the day before. There have regularly been issues for people who download it and then immediately tried to join a party. You must also have a Netflix login to participate in this event.
February 5-7 - JETAA Chicago's Virtual Shinnenkai Returns
Register here: https://guestlist.co/events/673338
After taking a break in 2020, our annual Shinnenkai is back! Virtually of course!This year we are spreading the fun out over three days from Friday, February 5 through Sunday, February 7! Each day will have a different focus, as we celebrate the culture of Japan and our community’s continued connection to it. In honor of that connection, this year funds raised will go to support two of our local partners!Friday, Feb. 5 - 6PM-7PM CST - Kick-offOur welcome event featuring presentations from the Japanese American Service Committee and the Japanese Culture Center.Saturday, Feb. 6 - 7PM-9PM CST - Cultural Connections Happy Hour(s): Storytelling and Trivia NightA casual evening for exploring our connections with Japan post-JET. Split into two parts, the first hour will focus on sharing ways alumni have maintained their Japan connections (featuring special guest, Joe Palermo, Gunma 1982-1983) and the second hour will be an all out trivia extravaganza with a few fun prizes to be won! Anyone can attend, but you must sign-up for the “+Trivia” ticket in order to participate in the game itself. Sunday, Feb.7 - 2PM-3:30PM CST - Sunday Family Fun-day Attendees will be treated to a variety of fun craft activities including origami and nengajo design. You may bring your own supplies or sign-up for the “+Activity Supply Pack” ticket to have some mailed to you!General Admission is free for all three days, but attendees have the option to upgrade to expand their experience. Click the red buttons to see our Guestlist page with full details about the different days and ticket options.If you are interested in potentially volunteering to share your story on Saturday or lead an activity room on Sunday, let us know!We hope to see you there!
February 6 at 1pm PST - JETAAPNW Annual Meeting and Shinnenkai**Open to members of other JETAA chapters**
あけましておめでとうございます! Celebrate the new year with PNWJETAA at this year's Annual Meeting & Shinnenkai, hosted virtually on Zoom.
1:00pm • Welcome & Opening Remarks1:10pm • Annual Meeting & Steering Council Election Results1:45pm • Special Guest Introductions2:00pm • Small Group Networking2:20pm • Door Prize Drawing2:30pm • Closing Remarks
This is an opportunity for our membership and community partners to join in dialogue about our organization, programming, and leadership. We will review the previous year, hold an open forum, and announce and confirm the 2021–2022 Steering Council. All attendees are eligible to win one of many door prizes! Available prizes will be announced here as we near the event.
Questions? Contact president@pnwjetaa.org.
February 6 - JETAADC 10+ Annual Reunion & Japanese Cooking Event
On February 6th from 5:30 to 7:00 PM, we are excited to host Chef Masako Morishita from OtabeDC to be our guide on an evening of Japanese cooking. She will teach us through Zoom how to make a Japanese-style roast beef donburi 和風ローストビーフ丼物 with sides. A classic warm you up dish with wonderful wafu-flavors. Participants will be provided with the recipe and shopping list after they register. We will have time at the end for breakout groups to enjoy the meal and network with fellow JET 10+ alumni and Chef Masako.
To bring the experience to the next level, we've also asked DC Sake Co, led by longtime Friend of JET, Reiko Hirai to select the perfect sake pairing for Chef Masako's menu. After signing up for the event you will be given an exclusive link to DC Sake's website for the link to purchase SUIGEI TOKUBETSU JUNMAI at a special discounted price per bottle. Purchase not required to participate. Sake must be delivered in Washington, DC (we will have pick up sites if you do not live in the District). Hope you will join us on Feb 6th for a hearty round of Itadakimasu and Kanpai!
February 9 at 8 PM EST - JETAAMN February Open Board Meeting
Interested in learning more about the board? Thinking about getting involved in the board sometime in the future? Come to our open board meeting. and even suggest events that you'd like to see in 2021!
February 10 at 6 PM PST - JETAASC Kizuna: Connecting Little Tokyo's Past and Present
Thanks to generous funding from Sasakawa USA and USJETAA, JETAA Southern California and Arizona is proud to present an informational webinar highlighting Los Angeles' own Little Tokyo community. Our panelists will share an overview of Little Tokyo's history, its contributions to U.S-Japan relations, and its response to the pandemic including initiatives and community support. This event is open to all JETAASC and USJETAA members, and our friends in the greater Los Angeles area.
To register, please use the below link:
February 11th at 6:30pm ET - JETAANY How to Start a Podcast
Details: If you're thinking that now is the time to start that podcast you've been thinking about for like, ever, then you won't want to miss this workshop! Whether for your business or for personal interests, starting a podcast is an experience like no other. Led by Lee Uehara, (Chiba-ken, '93-'95), a former reporter and the host of five podcastsTopics Covered in this LIVE online workshop:-Why you should start a podcast now-What you need to know pre-launch-Easy steps to launch your show-What equipment to get for your set-up-How to create your show's intro -- and outro-Q & A Session: Bring your questions!
Questions: Contact Ryan via
February 13 at 12pm EST - JETAA Chicago Virtual Valentine's Day: Choco LoveJETAA Chicago is partnering with
JETAA Music City to put on a virtual Valentine's Day about chocolate! Join us on
Saturday, February 13th at 12 pm EST/11 am CST for a presentation from JETAAMC President Ashley Fox and Chicago-native, JETAAMC Member Amber Mahjé about Valentine's Day in the United States and Japan. We will also have a raffle and two attendees (one from each region) will win a prize from local chocolatiers!REGISTRATION REQUIRED
here via JETAA Music City's Zoom Account. Feel free to bring your favorite chocolate to our virtual event, because participants will be able to share what chocolates they love the most and why!
February 14, 2021 at 10:00am-12:00pm JST - Post-JET Job Search Webinar
Tagline: Power-up your job search
Scope: 2 hours of training and Q&A delivered online via YouTube Live
Event Registration Link: https://kamaratoffolo.com/postjet-jobsearch-webinar/
Broadcast Platform: YouTube Live (session will be recorded and available for replay after the broadcast)
Key Learning:
- How to stand out in your job search in 2021, whether you are returning from JET this year, or returned years ago
- What’s expected, required, and needed in writing resumes in 2021
- Why LinkedIn is vital to your job search, and how to build a profile and best use LinkedIn to get noticed
- How to translate and integrate your JET story, experience, and skills into your resume and LinkedIn
February 17 at 8 PM ET - The Opportunity and Crisis in Japanese Agriculture Today
USJETAA and Kokoro Care Packages are pleased to announce this event that will give you a peek into the world of Japanese farming. One cannot think of the Japanese countryside without conjuring up images of terraced rice fields, lush and green or filled with water depending on the season. Yet most of us don’t know much about the concerns of small farmers, the impact of an aging population, or the economic and other challenges unique to Japanese agriculture. Three speakers will each provide a different perspective for a nuanced look at the current state of agriculture in Japan. Featuring Dr. Patricia Maclachlan of the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Kay Shimizu of the University of Pittsburgh, and special guest Shohei Takemura of Bamboo Village Farm. The primary language for the event will be English. Japanese portions of the event will include consecutive interpretation. Event runs 1.5 hours.Dr. Patricia Maclachlan will give an overview of Japanese agriculture reform policies and challenges, explaining the role of agricultural cooperatives, the changing economic landscape, and the threats posed by an aging population. Dr. Kay Shimizu will join us from Japan to share an on the ground perspective of Japanese farming during the past year with information on the impact of COVID and an overview of relevant policies from the new Suga administration. Takemura-san, organic farmer and owner of the Bamboo Village Farm in Machida City, Tokyo, will share his personal story of leaving his career in engineering and his life as an all-natural farmer.
To register, please use the below link:
February 17 at 8:00pm ET- JETAANY Craft NightDetails: Join us for another casual virtual crafting night (really, any project will do; it doesn't *actually* have to be a craft). Past participants have worked on home repairs, embroidery, knitting, sound recording, card-making, baking, gardening, photo albums, and more. What unusual projects will emerge this time?!
Get zoom link hereFacebook Invite:
Facebook event pageQuestions: contact Christy via
February 18 at 7:00pm CST- JETAA Chicago Mixed Multitudes: A Discussion about Identity in the US-Japan CommunityJETAA Chicago is pleased to present the second webinar in our 2021 series,
J-Talks: Strengthening Ties Through Dialogue, centered around the themes of identity, cultural understanding and leadership, as experienced by JET alumni and individuals with meaningful connections to Japan.
Mixed Multitudes: A Discussion about Identity in the US-Japan Community (Thursday, February 18th from 7pm-8:45pm CST) will aim to cultivate connections between the U.S. and Japan by bringing together multiracial Japanese American/Nikkei speakers to explore their different experiences and help attendees understand and navigate the concept of mixed race identity in both the U.S. and Japan.Register:
February 20 at 6:30pm CST- JETAA Mid-South ShinnenkaiHappy New Year, JETAA family! 2020 was a year like no other, and the same can be said about our virtual Shinnenkai event. Even though we can't gather physically, we can still "get together" online and pass a good time!We plan on making our virtual party as fun as possible by including breakout rooms for that authentic social feel. The breakout rooms can be about a multitude of topics, so if you have any great ideas or would even like to facilitate one, please let us know!And what shinnenkai is complete without delicious Japanese food? Though we can't nosh on sushi together, you can bring the feast to your doorstep! Order from your favorite delivery app and choose your meal to enjoy while we have a good time! Got any favorite local joints? Share those gems with us! And if you decide to cook a Japanese meal for the event, feel free to share it on screen and tell us the recipe

Come log on to the party for a virtually great time!
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED for this event and should be completed in advance at:
https://zoom.us/.../tJwrdOippzMqGtUXBdYwA7nnSozveOR5by8hAfter registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
February 21 at 6:00 PM EST - PNWJETAA Book Club: Sailor Moon Edition!
Join the Book Club as we discuss this month's selection:
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Vol 1! We know many of you are familiar with Sailor Moon, so please join us! We encourage dressing up in costumes and will also be discussing/sharing the best Sailor Moon-inspired tattoos. For Zoom details please comment or shoot us an email.
February 24 at 7:30pm - Cross-Chapter MOTHRA: The Last TrainDetails: All JET alumni have a story or two that includes "the last train home." Sign up to share your story or come and listen to your fellow alumni recap the hilarious details from their nights back in Japan. Once your registration has been reviewed, you will receive a confirmation email.. This is a cross-chapter event hosted by JETAA New York, Mid-South and Texoma.
How to join:
Register hereFacebook Invite:
Facebook event pageQuestions: contact Ryan via
February 26th at 8 PM ET - Great Lakes Game Nite
We are having such a fun time playing Among Us & Jackbox games. Won't you join us?Games begin at 8:00 PM and a link will be posted on Facebook, as well as sent to those who register through email.Click the "Register" button to let us know you're planning to attend.
February 27 at 8:30 PM EST - JETAAMN Game Night!
Come and join us for games, drinks, and chat at our virtual game night!
Let's support a local business and grab some food from Zen Box Izakaya. We'll pay for a portion of your order. Then join us online for a night of fun and games. We look forward to seeing you there!
Sign up on the form below and we'll send you the discount code and zoom link ahead of the event:
February 27 at 8 PM EST - JETAARM Shinnenkai
**This event is only available for our Rocky Mountain alumni**
JETAA Rocky Mountain is proud to host our annual Shinnenkai! This year's event will be done virtually, where we will hang out and watch a movie together from the comfort and safety of our homes.
February 28 at 2 PM CST - JETAA Chicago 2021 JET Career Development Workshop with Emily Frank
Are you currently searching for a job, interested in making a career change, or trying to navigate pandemic hiring practices?Emily Frank, a JET alumni and career coach with over 10 years of experience, will be leading a workshop on
Sunday, February 28th to advise on career growth during the pandemic. Whether you are currently employed or looking for work, we'd like you to bring questions, thoughts, and your experiences to our workshop. It will be held from
2 - 3:30 PM CST and will consist of presentations and break-out rooms. We will also be providing some online resources to aid in job searching and interview preparation practice.
Whether you have questions or career advice you'd like to share, we'd love to have you join!This event is for JET alumni only. For full event details and to sign-up, click through to the Guestlist page: https://guestlist.co/events/676128
February 28 at 4 PM EST - JETAARM Book Club - The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa
The JETAARM Book Club will meet virtually to discuss The Memory Policy by Yoko Ogawa an award-winning, contemporary Japanese novelist on Sunday, February 7, 2021 at 2pm MST. Translated by Stephen Snyder, the book is available on Amazon new or used.
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/421421748985269/
February 28 at 4 PM PDT - JETAASC and JETAAHI Book Club - Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
JETAASC and JETAAHI will be hosting their next book club meeting on February 28th at 4pm. They will be reviewing
Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. Since they will be discussing the entire book, this meeting is open to all members who have read the book. Please register
here by February 27th.