JET 30 Reunion Recap

Thank you to everyone who attended the JET30 Reunion in Washington, DC, August 4-6, 2017 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel! We had over 280 JET alumni, family, and friends gather to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the JET Program. Whether you were able to join us or not, we hope you will enjoy highlights from this year's celebration!The weekend kicked-off in the Natsukashii Hall where attendees experienced a traditional Japanese tea ceremony, led by JET alum Jennifer Swanson, posed under the torii gate created by traditional Japanese woodworker, Rex Butler, and played go with members of the local go society. Alumni learned about programs promoting understanding and exchange between the U.S. and Japan run by Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA and The Mike Mansfield Fellowship, as well as information about careers and travel from iiiCareers, InsideJapan Travel and JNTO.

The JET30 Reunion Highlight Video by JET alumni Peter Weber

Natsukashii Hall

JET Alumni Share Their Post-JET Experiences

Throughout the weekend the JET30 Reunion featured panels and discussions highlighting the interesting and successful paths many alumni have taken since returning from JET. Many of these speakers have had a significant impact on the U.S.-Japan relationship, whether it was Bill Clifford, President and CEO of the World Affairs Councils of America (ALT, Shizuoka, 1987-1989), Emily Metzgar, Associate Professor, Indiana University and author of the recently published

The JET Program and the U.S.-Japan Relationship: Goodwill Goldmine

(ALT, Shimane 1993-1995), or David Boling, Deputy Assistant, USTR (ALT, Fujishiro, Ibaraki, 1988-1989), all of our speakers shared their personal stories that led them to where they are today. These stories connected them to the younger generation of alumni in the audience, and provided a wonderful opportunity for alumni to connect personally and professionally.To see a comprehensive list of all of our alumni speakers and their bios, please visit our website for the full program



Welcome Reception at the Japanese Ambassador's Residence

USJETAA is grateful to the Embassy of Japan and Deputy Chief of Mission, Atsuyuki Oike, for hosting JET30 attendees at the exquisite Japanese Ambassador's Residence on Friday night. (Photos: Kelley Rich)

Natsu Matsuri Gala Dinner, Raffle & Moth(ra)

Photos: Kelley Rich

After a full day Saturday, alumni were invited to celebrate at the Natsu Matsuri, starting with a networking reception featuring summertime games, lanterns, and many colorful yukata and jimbei worn by attendees on the outdoor terrace. This was followed by a buffet dinner and exciting raffle drawing with prizes generously donated by organizations and individuals, including ANA, with two roundtrip tickets from the U.S. to Tokyo, and selections of Japan-related books from Chin Music Press and Stonebridge Press. After dinner, attendees moved back outside to the lower terrace to hear alumni share stories of “Fame & Fortune” at the “Moth(ra) Storytelling Hour” with JET alum Steven Horowitz acting as emcee. To hear the recording of the Moth(ra) please click here.

Photo: Andrew Schecker, ANA; Errol Packard (CIR, Niigata 2005-2008, JETAA Texoma); Smitha Prasadh (ALT, Tokushima 2005-2007, JETAA Pittsburgh); Laurel Lukaszewski, USJETAA. Photo credit: Kelley Rich, JETAASC

USJETAA is grateful to everyone who participated in the JET30 Reunion Raffle on August 5! We had an exciting array of prizes generously donated by ANA, Stonebridge Press, Chin Music Press, Keith Krulak and Laurel Lukaszewski. The prizes were drawn in a double-blind drawing by Andrew Schecker of ANA. The Raffle raised over $2,800 to support USJETAA outreach and programs.

The winners were:

  • Greg Aurit (ALT, Tokushima 2002-2005) – Ceramic Tea Bowl and Plate by local artist Laurel Lukaszewski

  • Maurice Maloney (ALT, Fukui 2004-2006)– Books from Chin Music Press

  • Asuka Nagase (ALT, Osaka 2009-2014) - Books from Stonebridge Press

  • Geoffrey Hartman (ALT, Nara 2003-2006) - Japanese Treats donated by Keith Krulak

  • Smitha Prasadh (ALT, Tokushima 2005-2007) – Roundtrip ANA Ticket from the U.S. to Tokyo

  • Errol Packard (CIR, Niigata 2005-2008) - Roundtrip ANA Ticket from the U.S. to Tokyo

 Thank you again to all of our donors and to everyone who purchased tickets!

JET30 Reunion Sponsors

The JET30 Reunion would not have been possible without the support and funding from the following organizations and individuals. USJETAA is grateful for their support.

Thank you to the following organizations for their generous donations of wonderful items for the National Conference and JET30 registration gift bags: 

ANA, Cultural Vistas, Destination DC, Hana Japanese Market, Hitachi, InsideJapan Tours, JICC, JNTO, Japan-America Society of Washington, DC, JET Program Office, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., NTA, National Cherry Blossom Festival, O-en Network, S&R Foundation, SAN-J, Sasakawa USA, Sojitz, Tofugu

A special thanks to our JET30 Planning Committee Members & Volunteers!

JET30 Planning Committee

Liz Brailsford    Jessica Burbach    Paige Cottingham-StreaterJoy Champaloux    Paul Champaloux    Mark FreyNick Harling    Cheryl Hou    Jessyca LivingstonKeith Krulak    Laurel Lukaszewski    Mac MaloneyLeigh Ann Mastrini    Xander Peterson    Danielle ReedStephanie Sanders    Monica Yuki

JET30 Volunteers

Jamie Adgerson    Karen Bailey   Wanda Butler    Megan CarrollSaad Chaudhry    Melissa Chin    Kathleen EmoryBeth Gawne    Li Gosselink    Tricia Kubrin    Beth Eck OlchowskiBianca Sanchez    Christine Skodon   Elizabeth SlupskiAshley Tabb     Jennie Terman   Amanda Rollins  Heidi Ashton YoonAnd a huge thank you to all of the many attendees who jumped in and lent a hand whenever we needed it!


PRESS RELEASE: Former Executive Director of USJETAA Joins Board of Directors


PRESS RELEASE: USJETAA Announces New Executive Director