Microgrants for Current US JETs
Applicants must fulfill the following requirements:
Be a U.S. citizens who is currently participating in the Japan Exchange & Teaching (JET) Program
have an active U.S. bank account in order to receive grant funding in USD
be a registered member of USJETAA (free membership available for current JETs)
Yes, you may apply with as many co-applicants as the project requires as long as the main applicant is a JET who is a U.S. citizen. Co-applicants do not have to be U.S. citizens or JETs. Past co-applicants have included JETs from other countries, JTEs, Contracting Organization/ BOE staff, and other community members.
Yes, please provide information on all the events/activities in your application.
Yes, please join the Facebook group to connect with past grantees of the program. Starting in 2024, USJETAA will also host a Discord channel for all grantees to communicate with each other and USJETAA.
Yes! We have a one-page document explaining the microgrant program and a FAQ written in Japanese.
The review committee will assess how well the project promotes English language education, encourages future travel and study in the United States, and/or introduces American culture to communities and schools within Japan. The mission, impact and feasibility should be well thought out and presented.
No, all applications from US JETs anywhere in Japan are welcome.
Grant awards typically range between $200-$1,000. Applicants should submit a realistic budget based on project needs and should directly be related to their narrative project proposal. You are welcome to reach out to USJETAA directly if you need guidance on creating a budget submission.
Yes, you may submit an application for an activity or event that has already been planned. Your project will be evaluated along with all other applications. Applications to fund projects that have already occurred will not be accepted.
Grantees will receive 80% of the pledged (what USJETAA has set aside for your project) funding amount at the beginning of their project. Up to 20% of the remaining pledged amount will be reimbursed to you when all of your required grant reporting documents have been approved by USJETAA. Please plan accordingly.
Yes, grant awardees can request additional funding. Contact USJETAA with your explanation of your request and the proposed additional amount. *Not all funding requests can be accommodated.
Yes- you are welcome to submit an application for each separate grant cycle offered. You cannot apply for multiple grants during for the same project or during the same cycle. Prior successful grantees are welcome to apply for a microgrant in subsequent cycles during their tenure on JET.
Microgrants are made possible through joint partnership between USJETAA and U.S. Embassy Tokyo.